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  • Certificate for the German Scholarship at the HTW Berlin for the funding period 2020/21

    ASCI Systemhaus supports one student of the study programme / department of Applied Computer Science at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences in the period 2020 /2021 within the framework of the Germany Scholarship.

  • Seal of approval of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft

    In 2020, the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany) will again acknowledge our research activities, and our participation in the survey on research and development of companies in Germany in 2019, with the seal of approval "Innovative through Research".

  • Support for students within the framework of the Germany scholarship of the BMBF

    ASCI Systemhaus is sponsoring two students of Business Information Systems at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences in October 2019 to September 2020 as part of the program "Germany scholarship" awarded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

  • Research seal of the Stifterverband for ASCI Systemhaus

    For the third time in a row, the Stifterverband, one of the largest private science sponsors in Germany, honors the commitment of ASCI Systemhaus GmbH to research and development with the seal "Innovative through research".

    The R&D data on research and development activities of companies in Germany are collected annually by the science statistics of the Stifterverband on behalf of the BMBF. Among other things, they are decisive for future funding impulses in the field of R&D and serve as a basis for companies, associations and institutes when making decisions on research strategies.

  • ASCI Systemhaus is a partner in the research project ZuG

    "Digital eye for better maintenance in rail traffic - research project »ZuG« develops 3D technology for controlling the rail network"

    » Read the press release here.

  • log in. berlin. becomes Deep Tech Berlin

    03.07.2019: The new campaign Deep Tech Berlin aims to strengthen Berlin as a technology location.

  • ASCI systems company is a partner of the campaign

    "redefine the possibleness. log in. berlin."

    The information carried by the Berlin Project Future Initiative and Berlin partners together with other institutions and networks campaign to make Berlin the capital region as digital metropolis for information technology, digital business and start-ups continue to stage and to increase and thus attract companies from around the world. Who wish to implement ideas, exploit opportunities, all in Berlin.

    log in. berlin.


last update: July 23rd, 2021 03:09:19pm